About Interim Insights from a Longitudinal Study of Digital Transformation
About Interim Insights from a Longitudinal Study of Digital Transformation
This month’s presentation will provide insights from the first two stages of a three-stage longitudinal study of a digital hospital transformation. Focussing on four insights:
- The effectiveness of the transformation,
- The complexity of the transformation,
- Paradoxical tensions involved in the transformation,
- Reflections on how stakeholders can use these insights and reflections on the research process itself.
Andrew Burton-Jones is Professor of Business Information Systems at the University of Queensland (UQ) Business School. He studies the governance of digital transformation and the effective use of electronic medical records. The premise of much of his research is that data and technology by itself rarely creates value – instead, value is obtained through learning what effective governance and effective use involve in a particular context. He has studied healthcare contexts in Australia and Canada and publishes his research in the Information Systems and Clinical Informatics fields. He is a member of the UQ Digital Health Research Network (information here) and is Editor-in-Chief of MIS Quarterly, a leading journal studying the design, use, and impact of IT in organisations and society.
Date: Tuesday, 28 September 2021
Time: 12.30 -1.30 pm
Venue: Virtual presentation