About Research Nexus: Strategic planning workshop
We're delighted to confirm this workshop will now proceed at the UQ Global Change Institute from midday on Thursday, 21 October.
As you might recall, the workshop was reluctantly postponed during the recent Research Week activities.
Facilitated by Dr Crighton Nichols, this in-person event will introduce strategic planning for large, complex research projects as part of Research Impact Nexus activities at the Global Change Institute.
The workshop will explore the relationship between strategy and culture by introducing activities to explore the co-creation of shared values and a vision for success, and touch on the need for back-casting to identify key challenges and the pathways to overcome barriers to meaningful impact.
Target Audience: PhD, ECR, ECA level
Starts: Midday, Thursday 21 Oct
Duration: One hour
Location: Level 2, GCI Building (20), St Lucia